Doctors & Domestic Violence


This week I spoke with a doc who left the US to escape her violent husband, another crying about financial manipulation by her spouse, and a pediatrician who still struggles with anxiety after child abuse by his father.

Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive physical, emotional, sexual or financial abuse (using money to exert control).

I never thought of myself a DV survivor, but police were at my house as a kid after assaults between my physician parents.

Most don’t seek help—especially doctors. We screen patients for DV & offer resources, yet we often can’t reveal our pain without career repercussions by medical boards and punitive physician “health” programs.

I had a chaotic and scary childhood. I’ve healed from anxiety and PTSD. Here’s the one thing that helped me most. Talking.

Sunday I’m hosting a small confidential Zoom room for docs impacted by DV.

Register here to join us. CONFIDENTIAL.

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