Physician Support Groups (Sundays) | Peer Support for Doctors

Physician Peer Support (2 pm ET) ~ Suffering from imposter syndrome, savior complex, retaliation, bullying, betrayal, exhaustion, workaholism, medical mistakes, perfectionism, grief, guilt, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts? (1.5 hours). Register here.

Doctor Suicide Dream Team (4 pm ET) ~INSPIRING training on (hidden) reasons docs die by suicide & effective ways to save lives now. View highlight reels. (1 hour). Register here.

PHP Fight Club (6 pm ET) ~ Suffering mental health discrimination? Forced into a PHP? Facing board investigation? Get confidential help from a team with decades of expertise. (1.5 hour) Invitation-only. To join, contact Dr. Wible.

Business Mastermind (8 pm ET) ~ Master advanced business strategies for your ideal clinic, coaching, or consulting business (no medical license required). Must be Fast Track grad. (1 hour). Register here.

 ❤️  Confidential groups curated by Dr. Wible @ $97/mo. All healers welcome ❤️

Register now for your confidential Zoom link.

(Session nonrefundable once link shared)

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7 comments on “Physician Support Groups (Sundays) | Peer Support for Doctors
  1. Trevor Wesson says:

    Hi Pamela. Can I join one of your groups Institutional Betrayal Help) even from Canada? My College has helped ruin my reputation numerous times and I need help coping with this. I think I will sue them shortly but am still afraid of them.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Sure Trevor. Groups are open to any physician anywhere in the world. A confidential space for peer support.

  2. Santiago says:

    I’ve taken medicine a long time and have seen countless dr.s… I’m sure to say I’m human. But, I dislike taking the medicine! A lot! Yeah, it’s not good when somebody can’t read my mind! I read? Me? I like making lots of money, I tell you all? Home cooked meals too! Good!!! Very good! Drink 1 4 Me!

  3. Thomas says:

    I am very interested in joining your group. I am planning to attend medical school in the Caribbean starting in September.
    I feel suicidal often. Very suicidal. So far, I still haven’t come up with a plan.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      You are welcome to join us and I highly recommend you not start med school without a great team of people who can support you Thomas.💕

  4. Shalena Garza says:

    Hi Pamela! Is there a meeting about investigating medical boards or possibly a class action lawsuit? I should be added to that lawsuit. They destroyed my medical career and then took my RN license too.. based on a lie that I was psychotic and I wasn’t, they tried to frame me.. still having effects on my child right now. He has Lyme disease and Babesia and they accused me of Munchausen bc of what the medical board did to me.. My son is not getting treated or diagnosed bc of the ongoing false information for all these years accusing me of having serious mental health disorder that I do not have.. All my private mental health records were published and also “counterfeit” mental health records fabricated by a hospital lawyer… and also false information that I was in a 5150 hold when I was never on a 5150 hold..

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