Blog Archives

Medical mistakes—how to heal guilt, shame, and self-blame →

Late last night I got this email: “Hello I am a nurse struggling with a medical error that may have led to a patient death and I need support.”

I texted her:

I called her just after midnight.

I asked how she found me.

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Physician’s Position—Rap Song by Dr. M5 Vibe with Pamela Wible, M.D. →

A song about the physician’s position from a musician’s perspective.

Physician’s Position
By Dr. M5 Vibe with Pamela Wible, M.D.

The greatest part of life is giving life
In my opinion, my decision
Led me down to a path always envisioned

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3 US Senators Demand DOJ Investigate Medical Boards →

An attorney just notified me of this letter submitted to the Department of Justice citing my 2019 journal article documenting widespread mental health discrimination by medical boards. Read letter below or download original document with citations here.

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Physician PTSD—5 Tips To Disrupt the Cycle →

Many doctors suffer silently with physician PTSD—occupationally-induced or exacerbated by work.

As doctors, we often minimize our trauma exposure by labeling it with less-stigmatized conditions like OCD,  stress, or burnout.

While doctors who are compulsively obsessive and attentive to details are celebrated for being comprehensive and thorough,

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