Physician Support Groups (Sundays) | Peer Support for Doctors →

Physician Peer Support (2 pm ET) ~ Suffering from imposter syndrome, savior complex, retaliation, bullying, betrayal, exhaustion, workaholism, medical mistakes, perfectionism, grief, guilt, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts? (1.5 hours). Register here.

Doctor Suicide Dream Team (4 pm ET) ~INSPIRING training on (hidden) reasons docs die by suicide & effective ways to save lives now. View highlight reels. (1 hour). Register here.

PHP Fight Club (6 pm ET) ~ Suffering mental health discrimination? Forced into a PHP? Facing board investigation? Get confidential help from a team with decades of expertise. (1.5 hour) Invitation-only. To join, contact Dr. Wible.

Business Mastermind (8 pm ET) ~ Master advanced business strategies for your ideal clinic, coaching, or consulting business (no medical license required). Must be Fast Track grad. (1 hour). Register here.

 ❤️  Confidential groups curated by Dr. Wible @ $97/mo. All healers welcome ❤️

Register now for your confidential Zoom link.

(Session nonrefundable once link shared)

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Copycat Suicide to Copycat Savior →

People imitate people.

More than 1,600 people have died by suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Harold Wobber was the first known suicide—1599+ people copied him.

Cassie Bond of Spokane, Washington (copying Paige Hunter of UK) is preventing suicides from a bridge in her town.

Rather than copying suicides, Cassie copied lifesaving interventions. Now Timothy Irwin is copying Cassie’s methods.

“I’m tired of being lonely. Having thoughts about jumping off.”

Timothy has battled significant tragedy in his life. He wanted to die by suicide by jumping off the Monroe Street Bridge.

Something stopped him in his tracks.

“Every 10 feet there was an encouraging message. Wow! Whoever wrote these down . . .”

That person is Cassie Bond wanting to prevent suicide. Every message positive and loving.

Cassie reached out to Timothy on Facebook as soon as he posted about his experience.

“I’m really proud of you for not jumping.”

He’s doing what he can to help her mission to help those who have struggled just like him.

Keep striving. I don’t ever want you to give up.

Now we’re helping more than 100 doctors copy their methods to prevent suicides.

We can all be copycat saviors! 

(You don’t need a medical license to save a life 💕)

If you want to join our Summer Suicide Science Project competition (prizes for everyone), view video below & contact Dr. Wible. We CAN end doctor suicides!

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Medical Malpractice & Doctor Suicide →

I lost several physicians to suicide amid medical liability cases (even frivolous ones!). Doctors are human and we can make mistakes that are not intentional. Sadly, physicians (and patients) are harmed by the current legal model. We can and should do better. I’m working on an innovative new way to handle medical mistakes outside of the legal system. More news coming soon!

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Taking an oath to end doctor suicides →

Patient safety whistleblower, Jacob Neufeld, M.D., (Dr. J), died by suicide after a retaliatory “impairment” allegation by his hospital that ended his career. The sole doctor caring for medically fragile children, he was forced to abandon thousands of beloved patients in Idaho for an unwarranted “rehabilitation program” in Mississippi. His mandated monthslong absence immediately endangered his patients’ lives. Dr. J’s dying wish is that we investigate events leading to his death—to prevent more doctor suicides. 💔

Dr. Wible: We’re gathered here today (and every Sunday) to make Dr. J’s dream come true. No more doctor suicides. Now people are reading Dr. J’s last words in Israel—and globally!

Rabbi Weissman: Welcome to the program Dr. Wible. I heard a very shocking story about Dr. Jacob Neufeld, a children’s doctor who cared very deeply about his patients. You’ve taken up his cause, a widespread problem of good doctors being driven to take their own lives. Tell us about yourself, how you got into the field of studying doctors and suicide, then we’ll talk more about Dr. J.

Dr. Wible: I am a family physician and suicidologist, 12 years immersed in this topic. My parents are physicians. I’m 56 years old. I’ve had more than half a century watching the medical profession devolve into an assembly-line operation lacking true informed consent and freedom of speech. How did I get into this? I was suicidal myself—a victim of this in a job that just wanted me to produce revenue; they didn’t really care about quality. I started to witness many of my colleagues dying by suicide. I seemed to be the only one who wanted to research why. Everyone else tried to pretend like these were isolated incidents. There were three in my small town in Oregon within a year. That means 10,000+ patients in my town didn’t have a doctor. I couldn’t get the newspaper (back in 2012) or TV station to report on it. I took an oath to end human suffering, so I considered it my job to research why my colleagues were dying.

Rabbi Weissman: One of the things that really struck me is when they talk about they’re going to send him to this psychiatric ward [physician “impairment” evaluation], I want to scream, “No! No! Don’t go!” In hindsight it all seems obvious what was happening to him, but in the moment as he’s going through this slowly step by step, I guess every step kind of seemed logical that he felt, you know, that maybe if I take this next step all these problems will go away.

Dr. Wible: It’s psychological grooming. These people repeat over and over again “Just sign here. We’ll get you back to work. We’ll advocate for you” sweet talk seduce you into this thing and by the time you sign (which is very early on) there’s no way out. One gentleman who died by suicide under the care of a physician “health” program said, “I didn’t kill myself. They killed me. I just finished the job.”

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The character assassination of Jacob Neufeld, M.D. →

Highlight reel above (transcript below). Full interview here.

Rabbi Weissman: Welcome Dr. Wible. I appreciate you burning the midnight oil literally to join us today. I found out about you because I heard about a very shocking story recently. I’m on Brucha Weisberger’s email list. She has a Substack with many thousands of followers. She’s been doing great work posting what’s going on in the medical world. She shared an article from Frontline News about Dr. Jacob Neufeld, who I had not heard of (Fun fact: Turns out Rabbi Weissman is close friends with Dr. J’s first cousin! They even started an organization together). He seems to have been a very, very special man, a children’s doctor who cared very deeply about his patients. And the story was so horrific and shocking, and it takes a lot to shock me today. I needed to look into it further and I stumbled upon your website. You’ve taken up his cause. His story is not an isolated one, unfortunately, but it’s a widespread problem of good doctors, and there are good doctors out there today that are very dedicated to their patients very dedicated to doing things properly, who are literally being driven to take their own lives. So can you please first start off by telling us a little bit about yourself, how you’ve gotten into the field of studying doctors and suicide? And then we’ll talk more about the story of Dr. J.

Dr. Wible: I am a family physician and suicidologist now as a result of 12 years immersed in this topic. Both of my parents are physicians. I’m Jewish by the way. I’m 56, so I’ve had more than half a century watching the medical profession devolve, having gone to work with my parents as a child, seeing how we have now turned this into an assembly-line operation that’s lacking true informed consent and freedom of speech, that harms these humanitarian idealists. I don’t know if you’ve ever met a pre-med student. They’re really excited. They’re ready to save the world. Their eyes are bright and glowing. But a few years later, they look dead. You can’t see any soul inside of them. They’ve been usurped by this our-way-or-the-highway medical hierarchy. And if they don’t submit to what their hospital or medical organization wants them to do, they get in the way of the money flow, they will be dealt with accordingly. There are a lot of ways to character assassinate physicians. How did I get into this? I was suicidal myself as a victim of this when I was in a job that just wanted me to produce numbers and revenue and they didn’t really care about quality. I started to witness many of my colleagues dying by suicide. For whatever reason, I seemed to be the only one who wanted to research why. Everyone else just turned their heads and tried to pretend like these were isolated incidents. There were three in my small town in Oregon within a year, and that means 10,000-plus patients in my town don’t have a doctor. Couldn’t get the newspaper, this is back in 2012, to report on it. I couldn’t get the TV station to report on it. So I appointed myself to start reporting on something that nobody seemed to want to talk about. I took an oath to do no harm. I took an oath to end human suffering as much as I can, so I considered it my job to research why my colleagues were dying.

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Physician Fitness For Duty Exams—Protecting Your Rights →

What would you do if your hospital, employer, or medical board mandates a FFDE (Fitness For Duty Exam)? Kernan Manion, M.D., (Center For Physician Rights) shares his wisdom.

Understanding FFDEs and Protecting Your Rights

Top 10 Takeaways:

1. FFDEs should be limited in scope, focusing on specific job-related concerns
backed by objective evidence of deficient performance or safety issues.

2. Under ADA, FFDEs must be related to your job performance and consistent
with business necessity.

3. Employers and medical boards must engage in an interactive process
with the physician to explore potential mitigations and reasonable
accommodations before reflexively resorting to a mandatory FFDE.

4. The “potential for impairment” due to a disability is not the same as actual
impairment and should not be the sole basis for ordering an FFDE.

5. Physicians have the right to know the reason for the FFDE, discuss the limited
scope and desired outcome, and clarify confidentiality parameters.

6. The FFDE evaluator should be an impartial entity qualified to conduct an FFDE
and knowledgeable about ADA and the physician’s specific job functions.

7. Physicians have the right to contest the FFDE, obtain an independent opinion,
and receive a copy of the FFDE report.

8. If the FFDE reveals a disability as a contributor to the alleged impairment, the
employer or medical board must engage in the interactive process to
determine possible mitigations and reasonable accommodations, unless it
causes the employer undue hardship.

9. Physicians subjected to discriminatory or unfair practices during the FFDE
process may have legal recourse under ADA.

10. Seeking guidance from an attorney knowledgeable in ADA law as well as
employment law or professional license defense, and having a good
understanding of one’s rights are crucial when facing an FFDE or dealing with
potential disability discrimination in the workplace.

The importance of understanding the legal and ethical aspects of FFDEs, being
proactive in asserting your rights under ADA and other laws, and seeking
appropriate support and guidance throughout the process cannot be overstated. By
keeping these key points in mind, you can better navigate the challenges of an FFDE
and ensure that your rights are protected.

11 action items and key questions to ask amid a mandatory FFDE

1. Ask the referring entity (medical board or hospital) to clearly state the specific
concerns they have about your performance and how it may be related to a
suspected disability.

2. Request information about intended scope of FFDE and ensure it is
limited to assessing job-related concerns only.

3. Inquire about qualifications of the FFDE evaluator and their knowledge of the
ADA and your specific job functions as well as their impartiality. Ask whether you
can obtain an independent evaluation and, if not, why not.

4. Ask whether you will receive a copy of the FFDE report and if you will have the
opportunity to review and respond to its findings.

5. Discuss confidentiality parameters and who will have access to FFDE results.

6. Request information about the desired outcome of the FFDE and any potential
consequences for your employment or medical license.

7. Ask if a discussion about possible mitigation and reasonable accommodations
will be considered before requiring your FFDE, and how they plan to
engage in the interactive process to explore such accommodations.

8. Document a recap of all discussions and interactions you have with any
of these parties, dating each new journal entry.

9. Gather all documentation (and if relevant, medical records) that may
support your ability to perform your job functions safely and effectively.

10. Seek peer recommendations of attorneys knowledgeable in ADA law to
understand your rights amid a mandated FFDE and develop a strategy
for protecting those rights throughout the FFDE process.

11. If you believe the FFDE is discriminatory or unjustified by objective evidence,
consider filing a complaint with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC) or state fair employment practices agency.

By proactively asking these questions and taking these actions, physicians can better
understand the FFDE process, assert their rights, and protect themselves from
potentially harmful disability discrimination. It’s vital that you approach this challenge
with an awareness of potential dangers and a clear understanding of your legal
rights, and to seek appropriate support and informed guidance to navigate the
complexities of a mandated FFDE.

Need help navigating your FFDE? Contact Dr. Manion or get weekly support.

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