Physician Support Groups (Sundays) | Peer Support for Doctors →

Physician Peer Support (11 am PT) ~ Suffering from bullying, betrayal, exhaustion, medical mistakes, grief, guilt, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts? Forced into a PHP? Facing board investigation? We can help. (90 min) $97/mo. Register here.

Doctor Suicide Dream Team (1 pm PT) ~ Intimate group of physicians sharing our suicide attempts and survival. We discuss (hidden) reasons docs die by suicide & effective ways to end physician suicide now. View our free training. (60 min)  $97/mo. Register here.

Red Flag Behaviors 101 (2 pm PT) ~ Are you an empath? Do people take advantage of your kindness? Learn to quickly detect red flag behaviors in family, friends, patients & peers. Discern the true character and motivations of people. Stop the cycle of betrayal with inspiration from Dr. Michelle Fernandez & guests. Next 4-week course: Feb 2, 9, 16, 23 (90 min) $500. 6 hours category 2 CME. To join, contact Dr. Wible.

Business Mastermind (5 pm PT) ~ Master advanced business strategies for your ideal clinic, coaching, or consulting business (no medical license required). Must be Fast Track grad or own your independent practice. (60 min) $97/mo. Register here. Nonmember $100 single-session registration.

 ❤️  Confidential. All healers welcome. ❤️

School of Medical Arts – February 2025

(Session nonrefundable once link shared)

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How to survive the worst moments of your life (podcast) →

Live Your Dream School of Medical Arts Podcast Episode 1. 

All episodes are unscripted, uncensored, unedited. Enjoy the raw, real thoughts of doctors.

Learn 6 strategies to survive the most traumatic events in your life.

Dr. Amir Friedman is an anesthesiologist from a family of Holocaust survivors. At age 10 he found his mother deceased from suicide. Then his physician father and two brothers died by suicide. While practicing as a successful physician helping underserved patients suffering from chronic pain, he was entrapped in an insurance fraud scheme that landed him in federal prison. Dr. Pamela Wible is a family physician who runs a suicide helpline for physicians. She recalls having passive suicidal thoughts at age 9 due to her chaotic and scary childhood that involved domestic violence between her parents, both workaholic physicians wounded by their own childhood traumas. 

Topics Covered:

* Benefits of strategic dissociation

* Timing of safely removing the “fake-smile” false-self mask

* Integrating painful moments as wisdom

* Healthy ways to release emotions

* Gender differences in survival strategies

* Self-healing through healing others

* Why peer support is so helpful

* Solidifying one’s sacred identity through pain

* Why vocalizing or writing traumatic experiences is so healthy

* Use of therapy pets or inanimate objects to heal

* Compartmentalization vs. oversharing trauma

* Self-therapy techniques that work (even with children)

* Empowering oneself by studying survival stories

Amir’s Survival Strategies: 1) Strategic dissociation 2) Helping others 3) Designing a code to live by

Pamela’s Survival Strategies: 1) Talking to anyone 2) Emoting through crying  3) Comedy

A favorite quote: “Please enjoy the unavoidable pain.”

“Any feeling fully felt changes.”


What are your top 3 strategies?

Please share in comments. 🙏

6 Survival Strategies for Severe Trauma

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5 ways to protect your medical license →

In an instant, your privilege to practice medicine can be taken from you today—even by false allegation. In less than 10 minutes your bitter ex/spouse, disgruntled patient, or jealous colleague could jeopardize your career.
What if your board wanted to ask you “a few questions” today? What if you were referred to a PHP next week? Would you enroll? Would you hire a lawyer? Who could you trust? How would you earn money? 
Prevention is key.

Highlight reel is from our live session “5 Ways to Protect Your License—Now.” Free event from Live Your Dream School of Medical Arts. Confidential. Can’t share publicly w/o educating our adversaries with new ideas!

5 ways to protect medical license now

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Dr. Jonathan Drummond-Webb Celebration (Highlight Reel) →

Enjoy our 45-min video highlights from our 6-hour celebration of life for Dr. Jonathan Drummond-Webb on the 20-year anniversary of his suicide. To view full version or join Sunday sessions on Dr. Drummond-Webb, contact Dr. Wible.

Highlight reel covers Christmastime suicides among 15 physicians (and 5 risk factors for doctor suicides during Christmas): tributes to Drs. Michelle Fernandez and Jonathan Drummond-Webb (both suicides early morning 12/26); discussion of Dr. Drummond-Webb’s suicide note; genesis of pathological perfectionism, emotional/spiritual causes of suicide, and words of wisdom from Jonathan’s widow, Dr. Lorraine DeBlanche ❤️.

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Red Flag Patients (fun video & checklist) →

After our boisterous business mastermind, I’m inspired to share how to identify (& care for) red flag patients. All true stories. Enjoy!

Patient not comfortable providing credit card, but totally fine with my finger on his prostate.

After rectal exam, elderly man says, “too bad we’re both married—we should date!”

Woman on 30 different supplements for aging.

Long list of allergies to all pain meds—except narcotics.

Badmouths all other docs, but loves me! (so I’m 2-weeks away from being on her shit list).

End of first visit, man asks if I’m okay with a hug. Two minutes later, I can’t get away.

Wants “everything” done today—cause it’s covered by insurance.

Goes to multiple pharmacies, in multiple states with scripts from multiple doctors.

Narcotics stolen again. But has police report with official logo for Birmingham UK police. We live in Alabama.

Stealing her kids Adderall.

On disability & drug contract (old doc never did pill counts). Used cocaine in past, but flies to Florida monthly, fancy jeans, gold jewelry.

New patient SO glad she found me. Wants a pelvic exam, I read her name on chart. She’s my boyfriend’s ex who just ripped rose bush out of his yard when they split up last month.

You take care of married Korean couple. Husband brings mistresses to physical.

😱 🤮 😳

More identification clues & checklist in our mastermind highlight reel below (along with practical solutions!). With strong boundaries & clear communication, we can properly care for these often delightful & truly fascinating people.

Jump on our physician business mastermind every Sunday 5 pm PT to master advanced business strategies for your ideal clinic, coaching, or consulting business (no medical license required). Must be Fast Track grad or own your independent practice. (60 min) $97/mo. Register here.

See all physician peer support.

Red Flag Patients

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Michelle Deserved Better →

It’s been a year since my friend Michelle killed herself on Christmas.

An emergency doc traveling the world helping anyone in need, Michelle died from lack of medical care—here in the US.

Asked why she became a doctor, she said “When I figured out what I was capable of and what the world needs, there was no other choice.”

She trained in NYC where her patients spoke > 130 languages. Nothing fazed her.

An adrenaline junkie, Michelle thrived working in crime-ridden inner cities to Iraqi war zones and Amazonian jungles—thousands are alive today because of her.

After surviving childhood sexual abuse, she devoted herself to the traumatized—finding “her people” in New Orleans dive bars, Oklahoma Native reservations, Iraqi gas stations, where she’d be hanging out speaking in Arabic.

In her free time Michelle was Caribbean night snorkeling, racing her sports car through narrow New Orleans streets.

Her friends called her “Hurricane Fernandez.” She lived life in the eye of the storm, yet shared love effortlessly—through handmade cards & jewelry—like this necklace she made me.

Michelle had well-managed depression and ADHD—until her doctor retired. Despite our help, she couldn’t find a new doctor to fill her meds. Hopelessly depressed, she shot herself in a park.

Months later, no obituary. So we wrote one & threw a party at her favorite bar.

Michelle gave with high integrity, yet she was repeatedly betrayed.

Michelle wanted care. No doctor wanted her.

Michelle wanted a burial. She was cremated.

Michelle wanted her estate donated to cat rescue. Her wish remains unfulfilled. Though her life insurance agent turned “beneficiary” is now flaunting lavish vacations pics with a young woman online So we just confronted him. 

If you hate this ending as much as we do, leave a comment: “Michelle deserved better.”





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