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Physician Support Groups (Sundays) | Peer Support for Doctors →

Physician Peer Support (2 pm ET) ~ Suffering from imposter syndrome, savior complex, retaliation, bullying, betrayal, exhaustion, workaholism, medical mistakes, perfectionism, grief, guilt, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts? (1.5 hours). Register here.

Doctor Suicide Dream Team (4 pm ET) ~INSPIRING training on (hidden) reasons docs die by suicide &

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Keynote: Finding your bliss—beating physician “burnout” →

Wildest keynote! Singing and dancing across stage with 4000 doctors in Las Vegas. Rowdiest audience ever (at a medical conference at least). Read transcript and/or download & listen to MP3 below:

 . . . And now what we have all been waiting for,

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