Blog Archives

Copycat Suicide to Copycat Savior →

People imitate people.

More than 1,600 people have died by suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Harold Wobber was the first known suicide—1599+ people copied him.

Cassie Bond of Spokane, Washington (copying Paige Hunter of UK) is preventing suicides from a bridge in her town.

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Medical Malpractice & Doctor Suicide →

I lost several physicians to suicide amid medical liability cases (even frivolous ones!). Doctors are human and we can make mistakes that are not intentional. Sadly, physicians (and patients) are harmed by the current legal model. We can and should do better. I’m working on an innovative new way to handle medical mistakes outside of the legal system.

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Taking an oath to end doctor suicides →

Patient safety whistleblower, Jacob Neufeld, M.D., (Dr. J), died by suicide after a retaliatory “impairment” allegation by his hospital that ended his career. The sole doctor caring for medically fragile children, he was forced to abandon thousands of beloved patients in Idaho for an unwarranted “rehabilitation program”

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The character assassination of Jacob Neufeld, M.D. →

Highlight reel above (transcript below). Full interview here.

Rabbi Weissman: Welcome Dr. Wible. I appreciate you burning the midnight oil literally to join us today. I found out about you because I heard about a very shocking story recently.

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Wildest Doctor Suicide Survival Story! →

He used to be a plastic surgeon. He used to be rich and famous. He was in San Diego and got turned over to the medical board. He could have killed himself. But you know what he did instead? He decided to make a bucket list of 100 things that he wanted to do before he died.

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3 sneaky ways the lucrative wellness industry injures doctors →

Physician Wellness Market

3 sneaky ways the lucrative physician wellness industry injures doctors. Common tactics ALL health professionals must understand. PLEASE SHARE WIDELY.

1. Using victim-blaming terms like “burnout” to obscure systemic human rights violations.

“Burnout” blames the victim who is enduring human rights abuse on a daily basis.

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Doctor uses marijuana for menstrual cramps loses medical license →

Sign petition to stop PHP abuse

In a state where marijuana is fully legal, a doctor uses marijuana tincture 3 times per month in evenings after work around time of her menses. She was working part time at a hospital. Was asked by hospital to work full time.

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Whistleblower’s Wish: Dr. J’s Last Words →

Suicide of whistleblower, Jacob Neufeld  ❤️ Sign Physician Whistleblower Protection Petition 

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Doctor Suicide Dream Team →

If your dream is to end doctor suicides—you are in the right place!

Week #9 Actions: ✅ Begin your science project 🎉 (share proposed project with Dr. Wible)

All highlight reels below 😍

Our Doc Suicide Dream Team launched 5/19/24.

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Physician Support Groups (Sundays) | Peer Support for Doctors →

Physician Peer Support (2 pm ET) ~ Suffering from imposter syndrome, savior complex, retaliation, bullying, betrayal, exhaustion, workaholism, medical mistakes, perfectionism, grief, guilt, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts? (1.5 hours). Register here.

Doctor Suicide Dream Team (4 pm ET) ~INSPIRING training on (hidden) reasons docs die by suicide &

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Dr. Michelle Fernandez—Emergency Physician to the World (Obituary) →

Michelle Fernandez MD MPH Obituary

A passionate leader in emergency medicine, Michelle C. Fernandez, M.D.. M.P.H., traveled the world sharing her talents with those fortunate enough to witness her excellence. She died December 25, 2023, at age 49.

Asked why she became a physician, she replied, “When I figured out what I was capable of and what the world needs,

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Doctor suicides in physician “health” programs →

I know 25 docs who died by suicide in physician “health” programs. If you’re suicidal, don’t tell your boss (PD, or med board). You’ll be sent to a PHP  4-day evaluation & 90-day out-of-state “preferred” center with polygraphs and 5-years of AA & drug tests (even if you don’t do drugs) costing you 250K.

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How we honor our dead (who gets celebrated, who gets ignored) →

(Video transcript below)

When a beautiful young doctor stepped off the rooftop of her Mount Sinai Hospital building—they covered her with a tarp.


Here’s the grassroots memorial that took over my training hospital after Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford’s assassination attempt.

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Doctor Suicide Investigation @ Mount Sinai →

“Hi Pamela, we just had another doctor jump and commit suicide at Mount Sinai and they are just covering it up. This keeps happening . . .”

If we had this number of patients jumping from hospital rooftops, there would be an investigation. Why are we not taking this seriously when these are doctors and medical students?”

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Doctor suicide on her third day in her “dream” job—remembering Deelshad Joomun, M.D. →

Video from an altar in my home shrine to suicided doctors.

My sweet soul sister, Deelshad Joomun, M.D., died by suicide 6 years ago today when she stepped off the roof of a Mount Sinai Hospital building in NYC at 3:30 pm on her third day in her “dream”

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