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Doctor uses marijuana for menstrual cramps loses medical license →

Sign petition to stop PHP abuse

In a state where marijuana is fully legal, a doctor uses marijuana tincture 3 times per month in evenings after work around time of her menses. She was working part time at a hospital. Was asked by hospital to work full time.

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Should I answer mental health questions from my school or employer? →

Should I answer mental health questions from my school or employer?

I’m a 23-year-old incoming premed student. I’m supposed to fill out my school’s health history intake. One of the questions asks, “Have you ever experienced: 1. Self-injurious behavior (ex: cutting, burning, etc),

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TONIGHT: Your license at risk—responding to med board complaints & PHP referrals →

TONIGHT: Your license at risk—responding to med board complaints & PHP referrals (free event). 

Unprofessional Doctors

Have you ever been told you’re “disruptive” for standing up for patient safety?

Ever been labeled as “unprofessional” for speaking out against injustice?

Have you been coerced into a physician health program?

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