Blog Archives

PHPs: A Cautionary Tale & Message of Hope! →

Join us for this spirited discussion surrounding issues with Physician Health Programs (PHPs). Drs. Pamela Wible and Dominic Corrigan discuss how they have been impacted by physician struggles, and their views on proposed solutions. The three of us share a strong desire to offer hope and help to doctors!

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Good vs. Bad Psychiatry? (Venn Diagram) →

While it’s courageous to ask for help, getting the wrong help may be harmful.

Derived from Greek psukhe soul and iatreia healing, psychiatry means soul healing.

Opening your soul to healing requires a therapeutic relationship with honesty and respect from both you and your psychiatrist (with no intrusive outside influences).

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3 US Senators Demand DOJ Investigate Medical Boards →

An attorney just notified me of this letter submitted to the Department of Justice citing my 2019 journal article documenting widespread mental health discrimination by medical boards. Read letter below or download original document with citations here.

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Physician intraprofessional disrespect endangers patients →

An interview with two physicians I admire for their courage to speak and share the truth uncensored. Thank you, Drs. Corina Fratila and Kevin Pho. May we all learn from your dedication to the physician community.

Kevin Pho: Hi, and welcome to the show where we share the stories of the many who intersect with our healthcare system but are rarely heard from.

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Hazardous work conditions kill doctors (and patients) →


I was invited on to this TV show to share why burnout and moral injury fail to address the underlying cause of physician distress—human rights violations in medicine. View full TV show here.

Doctors have the highest suicide rate of any profession.

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Physician-Friendly States for Mental Health: A Review of Medical Boards →

Physician-Friendly States for Mental Health: A Review of Medical Boards
Research Project by Pamela Wible, M.D., and Arianna Palermini, OMS2
© Copyright 2019

Read updated version of article (& download PDF) in peer-review journal dedicated to physician mental health.

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Doctor Suicide Prevention | Physician Suicide: Prevention & Intervention →

Luncheon keynote (Beware: loud forks & knives banging on plates during first few minutes). Download MP3 or listen online here. Full transcript mildly edited for clarity below.

Dr. Virginia Hall: I want to welcome you to this afternoon’s session.

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3 danger signs it’s time to quit your job →

How to know it’s time to quit your job: Patient wanting refill threatens to be back with a gun. Employer sides with patient. TRUE STORY!

I posted this on Facebook and was surprised how many others chimed in with similar threats. One doctor summarized: “Being an ’employed’ physician means you are totally expendable.

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Why Are So Many Male Anesthesiologists Dying By Suicide? →


I just received this email:

“I’m a male anesthesiologist. I have been battling suicidal ideation for seven years and eight months. I vividly remember the day I was admitted. A colleague came into my locked office and saw me sitting at the desk with induction meds and an IV.

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Physician warriors don’t cry →


i need to run

i need to run
in the rain
or something i need to run
i need to rest but i need to run, 
i need to wash the blood off my pants and 
i want to talk to someone but i cant 
can i,

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Physician PTSD—Help for Traumatized Doctors →

Physician PTSD

NOTE: Article updated 10/7/22 to reflect my newfound experiences with traumatized physicians.

I recently spoke with an emergency doc at a busy understaffed hospital. He had just dealt with a mass shooting and is now in the midst of a divorce. Clearly distressed,

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Physician retreats: how doctors heal →

This past week I held my 14th physician retreat. To promote intimacy, I generally allow no more than 40 attendees at any one retreat. This retreat was unusual in that I only invited a handful of graduates from prior retreats—all successful solo doctors in their ideal clinics. In their own words .

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Top 10 Fears That Hold Doctors Back →

Top 10 fears that hold physicians back

What prevents us from being the doctors we always imagined? We enter medicine as inspired, intelligent, compassionate humanitarians. Soon we’re cynical and exhausted. How did all these totally amazing and high-functioning people get screwed up so fast? Attention: med students and doctors: It’s not your fault.

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A Valentine’s plea for doctors →

Love yourself first

For all of you hard-core docs who put everyone’s needs ahead of your own.

For all the docs forgetting to eat or drink all day then fainting in operating rooms.

For all my sisters working through miscarriages without taking time off to grieve.

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Doctors-in-training hit with knives, punched, left crying in hospitals →

So I started medical school in Germany. Germany has a very strange system. At that time it was relatively easy to get into medical school, but then they do everything to get you out of medical school. It’s the opposite of the United States. It has changed now. It’s very abusive from the get go.

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