Blog Archives

Depressed Doctor: How To Get Confidential Mental Health Help for Physicians →

Can depressed doctors get emotional help without license repercussions? Is it even possible for physicians to get confidential mental health care?

I just got this email from a physician:

“Hi Pamela, Wondering if I could curbside you on the topic of seeking mental health services as a physician.

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Suicidal Surgeon: 55 Orthopaedic Surgeon Suicides & How To Prevent #56 →

Since my original keynote 2 years ago: 33 orthopaedic surgeon suicides: How to prevent #34, we’ve lost 22 more orthopaedic surgeon to suicide. On September 10, 2020, at the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, I share why each of these 55 doctors died died and how we can prevent future suicides among doctors.

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Physician PTSD—5 Tips To Disrupt the Cycle →

Many doctors suffer silently with physician PTSD—occupationally-induced or exacerbated by work.

As doctors, we often minimize our trauma exposure by labeling it with less-stigmatized conditions like OCD,  stress, or burnout.

While doctors who are compulsively obsessive and attentive to details are celebrated for being comprehensive and thorough,

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